Fair and Balanced?
Media Bias and Data Analysis
Get Started by Watching this Video.
Get Started by Watching this Video.
Now It’s Your Turn
To Tell The Story!
Now It’s Your Turn To Tell The Story!
Data analysis can be a powerful tool to lead as well as mislead people. Understanding how information is used to persuade — from the perspective of someone creating media — will help you identify media bias in news you consume. After this lesson, you will have created your own media pieces and know how to use data analysis to back up your stories.
Data Analysis Warm Ups:
Simplified Journalist Code of Ethics
Verify all facts & verify the identity of your sources. If you make a mistake, correct it promptly and acknowledge the error.
Give people or organizations that are publicly accused or criticized the opportunity to respond before we publish those stories.
Right to Privacy:
All people have a right to privacy, and those accused of crimes have a right to a fair trial. All sources of information must be independently confirmed.
Serve the public by reporting the truth, resist efforts to influence the news or give special treatment to one group.
Conflict of Interest:
You should not be connected financially or involved politically in the person or group you are covering in a story.
Always declare your identity as well as the identity of your information sources, except when there is no reasonable way to do so or a pressing reason to maintain anonymity (such as personal safety).
Promises to Sources:
Only promise anonymity when the material is of high public interest and it cannot be obtained any other way.
Include views from all segments of the population, including those with or without power. We avoid stereotypes, and don’t refer to a person’s race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender self-identification or physical ability unless it is pertinent to the story.
We are accountable to the public for the fairness and reliability of our reporting. Clearly identify news and opinion so that the audience knows which is which. Do not alter images or sound so that they mislead the public.